Computer hardware nothing be function without soft ware.
There are 3 kinds software,they are :
a. Operating software, it is writing program for controlling and coordinating the computer program. Example : Windows, VNIX, LINUX, and LMS
b. Language software, this program for translating some writed instruction in program language into mechine language so that can known in computer. Example : Visual Basic, Delphi, and C++
c. Application software, this is a software who has maked from Software House for finishing standart assignment. Example : Microsoft Word for making some document.
Microsoft Excel for do numeric document.
Before use software, there are many steps to do in order your software be active if software don't installed let's do these steps in below :
First, you must insatalled the software
Steps :
1. Input the software CD
2. In the lokk box, choose drive CD-Rom and search file set up.exe
3. Click Open
4. Click OK
and proccess installed aplication program had been starting.
And follow step in that installizing proccess.
In Microsoft Office there are many application program, they are :
1. Microsoft Word
2. Microsoft Excel
3. Microsoft Accsess
4. Microsoft Powerpoint
5. Microsoft Frontpage
6. Microsoft Outlook
So only ones installiszin Microsoft Office with full package, all of that application had been installing.
After all the program had been installing, click Start - All Program, and chose your application icon
Kamis, 08 November 2007
computer software
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computer software
Computer hardware nothing be function without soft ware.
There are 3 kinds software,they are :
a. Operating software, it is writing program for controlling and coordinating the computer program. Example : Windows, VNIX, LINUX, and LMS
b. Language software, this program for translating some writed instruction in program language into mechine language so that can known in computer. Example : Visual Basic, Delphi, and C++
c. Application software, this is a software who has maked from Software House for finishing standart assignment. Example : Microsoft Word for making some document.
Microsoft Excel for do numeric document.
Before use software, there are many steps to do in order your software be active if software don't installed let's do these steps in below :
First, you must insatalled the software
Steps :
1. Input the software CD
2. In the lokk box, choose drive CD-Rom and search file set up.exe
3. Click Open
4. Click OK
and proccess installed aplication program had been starting.
And follow step in that installizing proccess.
In Microsoft Office there are many application program, they are :
1. Microsoft Word
2. Microsoft Excel
3. Microsoft Accsess
4. Microsoft Powerpoint
5. Microsoft Frontpage
6. Microsoft Outlook
So only ones installiszin Microsoft Office with full package, all of that application had been installing.
After all the program had been installing, click Start - All Program, and chose your application icon
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Kamis, 01 November 2007
Hilangnya bahan presentasi KWN
pada hari kamis anak x-3 dapat tugas dari guru KWN buat presentasi!sebelum itu pelajaran bahasa jerman!pada saat pelajaran bahasa jerman kelompok saya yang terdiri dari:afif,haristya, rizky.m.dan saya sendiri masih sibuk dengan bahan presentasi tersebut!maklum kita kelompok pertama!setelah itu kita simpan deh!yang lebih tepat disimpan sama afif!akhirnya bel tanda ganti pelajaran berbunyi!afif pindah kelas dengan membawa tugas tersebut!sampai di kelas KWN dia marah-marah karna tempat yang biasa kita duduki di tempati anak lain!lalu refleks dia marah dan membuang tugas tersebut namun dia tidak sadar!setelah dia kembali ke tempat duduknya.kemudian kita tanya sama dia!mana tugas tadi,afif respons langsung keringat dingin mencari-cari tugas itu!dia kaliling denagn keringat dinginnya!akhirnya tugas itu di temukan oleh tamn kami sendiri!!karna afif sudah takut dia nggak bisa berkata apa-apa!
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Hai....hai....ekstrinity cliquers....dah pada tau belum kalimat favourite di X-3 sekarang! kalau anak X-3 yah tau tapi selain x-3 mana tau!!ya udah aku beri tempe eh salah aku beri tahu.kalimatnya yaitu"TAK SAWAT MANDA KON OR TAK JEJELI MANDA KON"pasti gak tau maksudnya. maksudnya itu kalau ada anak yang buat onar anak x-3 akan bilang seperti itu karena manda siap untuk membantai perlahan-lahan anak yang buat keributan itu!!tap[i anehnya anak x-3
malah gak takut kalau dibilangi seperti itu!just a frind kalee ya,jadi gak takut!!terus baru
aja anak-anak menciptakan kata-kata baru agar anak-anak takut yaitu"DI SEMBUR MANDA KON"eh
malah gak takut malah ketawa!dan kalau kalian mampir ka ekstrinity jangan sekali-kali bilang
"LAPO"alias bahasa jawanya ngapain!soalnya kalau kalian bilang LAPO maka serentak anak ekstrinity akan membersihkan tangannya kebaju anak yang bilang LAPO tadi!kompak kan anak ekstrinity!jadi kalau kalian udah terbiasa ngomong bahasa jawa hati-hati ya ketemu anak x-3! kalian harus ngomong bahasa indonesia kalau mau bilang lapo lebih baik bilang ngapain dari pada seluruh ekstrinity membersihkan bajunya ka baju kalian!!!!!!!
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